about us

We make video and write text for civil organisations, news media and companies.

From concept to production and distribution. From mobile news gathering, a short video for Instagram or Facebook, a live stream of your event or a beautifully shot documentary, to an easy-to-read brochure or an in-depth background report.

Our clients have important messages to get across. We assist them in choosing a clear focus in their story, and finding a form that captures the target group’s attention.

We’re inspired by themes ranging from local community gardening projects to complex international issues. That’s reflected in our portfolio. We’re flexible, fast, clear, connected and professional, and what’s more we’re nice people to work with. We’re not just making this up; it’s what we hear from our clients.

forwardview is based in Amsterdam, but we enjoy regularly working further afield. We run our business in a sustainable way to the maximum extent possible.

Like to keep informed about our services and projects? Then follow us on Instagram or Vimeo.

forwardview was founded by Myrthe Verweij.
Interested to know if we can help you? Then feel free to contact us – with no obligation.





